Nora Ligorano and Marshall Reese have collaborated together as Ligorano/Reese since the early 1980s. They use unusual materials and industrial processes to make their videos, sculptures, and installations, which have been exhibited in galleries and museums across the U.S. Their pursuit is an ongoing investigation into the impact of technology on culture and the associations and meanings that the media brings to images, language and speech in politics. Their work has been reviewed in the The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Economist, Harpers, FiberArts, and other publications. They are best selling editions at Printed Matter, ARTBOOK @ MoMA PS1 and the New Museum store. They have exhibited at the Neuberger Museum of Art, MCA Denver, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, Nathan Cummings Foundation, Catherine Clark Gallery, Jim Kempner Fine Art and Kent Gallery among others. Jim Kempner Fine Art represents the artists' edition works.
